Mr. Venna - Fifth Grade Mathematics

Southern Columbia Area Middle School

Homework Overview & Calendar

Homework Overview

The students will typically have math homework each night.  It is important that the students complete their assignments in order to review the concepts covered in class and to reinforce previously instructed skills.  The students will be given a grade for Homework/Mathematical Effort each marking period, and they will need to complete/attempt all of the problems associated with their homework in order to receive full credit on their assignments.  Each assignment is worth 1 point if it is completed on time.  Late assignments will receive 1/2 point, and assignments that are not received will be given a zero.

Please remember to review your child's agenda each night.  However, all homework can also be found on the website of each fifth grade teacher.

Homework Policy for Fifth Grade:

  • Late homework (1-3 days after the due date) will receive half credit.
  • Homework turned in after three days will not receive credit, but it is expected to be completed.

Homework Calendar

Please look at the calendar below for the homework assigned in Fifth Grade Mathematics.
You can also find all of the other Fifth Grade subjects as well.

