Humble Servant of the People
This list includes some of the most frequently tested words on the SAT. In addition, these words represent the level of vocabulary high school students should be familiar with on any grade level.
List 1
1. indifferent-not caring; neutral 46. apathy-lack of emotion or interest
2. obscure-unclear; clouded 47. ambiguous-unclear in meaning
3. revere-to worship or honor 48. discriminate-to make a distinction
4. denounce-to speak against; condemn 49. subtle-not obvious
5. candid-honest, frank, straight-up 50. discern-to distinguish between
6. ironic-satiric; unexpected 51. disdain-contempt; intense dislike
7. abstract-not concrete; theoretical 52. inevitable-unavoidable
8. enigma-mystery; mysterious 53. diverse-varied
9. eccentric-odd; unusual; quirky 54. futile-hopeless; useless
10. benevolent-kind; good-hearted 55. pious-deeply religious
11. conciliate-to end a dispute; soothe 56. resolve-determination
12. servile-overly submissive 57. reticent-uncommunicative
13. anarchy-lack of government; chaos 58. acute-sharp; intelligent
14. scrutinize-to examine closely 59. discord-disagreement
15. repudiate-to reject; to deny 60. diligent-hard working
16. aesthetic-dealing with art; dealing with beauty 61. prodigal-extravagant; wasteful
17. augment-to add to; increase 62. complacent-self-satisfied; smug
18. eloquent-fluent and graceful in speech 63. extol-to praise
19. incessant-never ending; unceasing 64. guile-cunning; deceitfulness
20. laud-praise 65. banal-common; dull; ordinary
21. euphony-pleasant sounding 66. austere-severe; without frills
22. insipid-boring; stupid; bland; dull 67. philanthropy-donation to charity
23. expedite-to make faster or easier 68. novel-new; unusual
24. tentative-not final 69. vacillate-to waver between two choices
25. pragmatic-practical 70. alleviate- to lessen something bad
26. profound-deep; insightful 71. condone-to forgive; to overlook
27. didactic-instructive; to instruct 72. ephemeral-short lived
28. profuse-flowing 73. prosaic-uninspired; dull; banal
29. fastidious-finicky; overly-critical 74. astute-perceptive; intelligent
30. belligerent-argumentative 75. censure-to blame
31. languid-slow; tired 76. stagnant-not moving; still
32. mitigate-to lessen the severity of 77. reprehensible-shameful; bad
33. scanty-minimal; inadequate 78. acclaim-praise; applause
34. incoherent-jumbled; chaotic 79. repress-to hold down
35. solicit-to seek; to ask for 80. reproach-to scold
36. condescend-to talk down to 81. orthodox-standard; conventional
37. indolence-laziness 82. arrogant-acting superior to others
38. acquiesce-to give in; to agree; 83. ameliorate-to make better; improve
39. apprehension-fearful; worried 84. efface-to rub out; erase
40. taciturn-quiet; saying little 85. dubious-doubtful
41. flagrant-shocking; very bad 86. credulous-believing; gullible
42. esoteric-understood by a select few 87. ambivalent-undecided; hot and cold
43. cryptic-mysterious; enigmatic 88. tedious-boring
44. incongruous-not fitting in 89. innate-inborn; inherited
45. digress-to go off the subject 90. appease-to satisfy; make peace with
91. frivolous-not serious; not solemn 136. instigate-to cause or start trouble
92. sage (sagacious)-a wise person 137. tangible-touchable; significant
93. indulgent-pampering oneself 138. remorse-sadness; regret
94. pivotal-important; critical; crucial 139. scrupulous-careful; diligent; moral
95. stoic-indifferent to pleasure and pain 140. respite-a rest or a pause
96. volatile-explosive; unstable 141. peripheral-on the edge
97. hedonistic-pleasure seeking 142. benefactor-a generous donor
98. slander-to speak badly of someone 143. animosity-hatred
99. amity-friendship 144. stringent-strict; harsh; severe
100. voluminous-very large; spacious 145. auspicious-favorable; looking up
101. fickle-whimsical; unpredictable 146. lethargic-tired; languid
102. hackneyed-banal; overused 147. amass-to accumulate
103. bastion-stronghold; fortress 148. trepidation-fear
104. desecrate-to profane a holy place 149. fortuitous-happening by chance
105. vehement-urgent; passionate 150. prodigious-very large
106. torpid-sluggish; lethargic 151. furtive-secretive
107. prudent-careful; cautious; wise 152. supercilious-arrogant; haughty
108. verbose-wordy; overly talkative 153. innocuous-harmless
109. enhance-to make better; augment 154. retract-to take back
110. rescind-to repeal 155. zeal-enthusiasm; zest
111. benign-not causing harm 156. emulate-to copy; to imitate
112. innumerable-to many to count 157. meander-to wander slowly
113. authoritarian- like a dictator 158. brawn-bulk; muscles
114. contrite-deeply apologetic 159. facilitate-to make easier
115. hypothetical-theoretical 160. ambulatory-able to walk; walking
116. drone-to talk on and on dully 161. gullible-believing anything
117. marred-damaged; bruised 162. parsimony-stinginess
118. tenacious-tough; hard to beat 163. blithe-free spirited
119. dearth-a lack 164. divert-to change the direction of
120. enthrall-to thrill 165. irascible-irritable
121. heed-to listen to 166. hinder-to obstruct; get in the way
122. propriety-properness; correctness 167. nostalgic-yearning for the old days
123. fanatic-one devoted to a cause 168. rejuvenate-to make young again
124. exemplify-to serve as an example 169. saccharin-falsely sweet
125. skeptical-doubting 170. temper-to moderate; to soften
126. assess-to estimate the value of 171. deride-to ridicule; make fun of
127. trivial-unimportant 172. heresy-opposed to estab. beliefs
128. impartial-unbiased; neutral 173. provincial-narrow-minded
129. innovate-create something new 174. provocative-attracting attention
130. infamous-famous in a bad way 175. virulent-harmful like a virus
131. lucid-clear; easy to understand 176. squander-to waste
132. engender-to create; to produce 177. cacophony-sounding harsh
133. superficial-on the surface 178. contempt-disdain
134. grave (gravity)-seriousness 179. rigor-strength; thoroughness
135. negligence-carelessness 180. embellish-add details; exaggerate
181. objective-without bias
182. relevant-important; pertinent
183. deference (defer)-a show of respect
184. fervor-passion
185. ascetic-without luxuries; austere
186. dissent-disagreement
187. disparity-inequality
188. disparage-to speak badly of
189. comply-to go along with; to obey
190. exemplary-outstanding; setting a great example
191. relegate-to dismiss to a lower position
192. anecdote-a brief, entertaining story
193. fallacious (fallacy)-false
194. uniform-constant; without variety
195. deter-to prevent; to stop; to keep from doing something
196. redundant-repetitive; extra; unnecessary
197. depravity-moral corruption
198. articulate-speaking clearly and well
199. congenial-friendly
200. preclude-to prevent; to make impossible; to shut out
201. elusive (elude)-tough to catch; hard to pin down
202. atrophy-to waste away from lack of use
203. concise-briefly stated
204. static-stationary; not moving (not radio fuzz)
205. dynamic-moving; not stationary
206. blasphemy-heretical departure from accepted practice
207. lax-careless; without intention
208. extraneous-irrelevant; extra; unnecessary; unimportant
209. sycophant-a bootlicker, a brown-noser; an apple-polisher
210. inadvertent-careless; without intention
211. predecessor-someone who came before another
212. jeopardy-danger
213. refute-to disprove
214. idiom-a peculiar, untranslatable expression
215. apocryphal-of doubtful origin; false
216. assuage-to soothe
217. pedestrian-common; ordinary; banal
218. recalcitrant-stubbornly disobedient
219. pretentious-pompous; self-important
220. affirm-validate; confirm