Humble Servant of the People

Socratic Seminar Training Materials

Many of these training materials are available through the kindness of the folks at the National Paideia Center in Chapel Hill, NC. Visit the National Center at to access other documents, seminar plans, and related material.  


Standard Seminar Presentations: 

Seminar Presentation.pdf: This is a PDF version of the standard PowerPoint used in trainings. 

Paideia Background Presentation.pdf: This is a PDF version of background on the Paideia philosophy. 



Seminar Facilitation Documents

seminar_plan_final (1).doc: Use this to plan for your Seminars.

seminar_text_rubric (1).doc: Use this to evaluate potential Seminar texts

seminar_questions (2).doc: Use this as an aid when planning and writing Seminar questions

seminar_process_script_final.pdf: Use this script to guide you thorough the Seminar process.

Pre Seminar Generic Script.docx: Pre/post script modified by Bob Alexander.

seminar_participant_reflection (1).doc: Use this to guide Seminar participant reflections.

Socratic Seminar OBSERVATION Form and Responsibilities (2).doc  Use this document for outer ring participation during Socratic Circles.

My Two Cents.doc: A brief overview of the "My Two Cents" seminar participation technique. 


Seminar Plans and Texts


Plans and Texts:

"Of Studies" by Francis Bacon: Handout_B_Of_Studies_plan.doc       Of Studies.pdf

"My Pedagogic Creed" by John Dewey: Plan_Dewey_Pedagogic_Creed.doc  Text_Dewey_Pedagogic_Creed_Text.pdf

"On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill: On Liberty Seminar Plan (7).doc    on liberty text (6).doc

"The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman: Plan_World_is_Flat.doc     Text_World_is_Flat.pdf

Early Map of Virginia: Early Map of Va. Seminar Plan.pdf    Early Map of Va. Text.pdf

"No Irish Need Apply" by Bob Alexander (Primary source document seminar plan with links to texts in the Library of Congress): No Irish Need Apply.doc

"Images of Child Labor in Pa." by Laura Moran (Primary source document seminar plan with links to texts {photographs} in the Library of Congress) : Images of Child Labor PA -- Seminar Plan Lesson 1 -- 9-22-11.doc

"Newspaper Headlines of Child Labor in Pa." by Laura Moran (Primary source document seminar plan with links to text in the Library of Congress): Newspaper Headlines of Child Labor PA -- Seminar Plan 2 -- 9-22-11.doc

"Thinking is Literacy, Literacy Thinking", article by Terry Roberts and Laura Billings, Directors of the National Paideia Center. Thinking-is-Literacy.pdf     Plan for Thinking is Literacy.docx

Seminar Plans




Additional Resources:

Seminar plans with Primary Source Documents:

Seminar plans and resources available at the National Paideia Center:

For a training video on the Socratic Seminar, see

Also, for articles used in trainings, see 

Related videos, see:

 For Public Domain text links, see: 

