Welcome to Mr. Klansek's Physics Class




9th Grade Science

This page is dedicated to my 9th grade science classes.

Final Study Guide

Practice Quizzes (bonding & atoms)

Ionic vs. Covalent


















Brochure Example #1




Chemical Bonding Webquest

midterm study guide 2014.doc

Here is the instructions and rubric for the 'letter requesting a helicopter' assignment: Displacement Letter rubric - Helicopter.docx

Here is our course outline for the year:

9th Grade Science Sequencing.pdf

Here is the "Flexbook" (online text):

Science Flexbook - Unit 1 - Ch. 1 & 2.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 2 - Ch. 3.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 3 - Ch. 4 & 5.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 4 - Ch. 6 & 7.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 5 - Ch. 8 & 9.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 6 - Ch. 10.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 7 - Ch. 11 & 12.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 8 - Ch. 13 & 14.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 9 - Ch. 15.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 10 - Ch. 16.pdf
Science Flexbook - Unit 11 - Ch. 17.pdf
