Port Allegany Jr/Sr High School Counselor
January/February 2017
Lucy A. Valero Memorial Scholarship - The Pennsylvania State Education Association is offering the Lucy a. Valero Memorial Scholarship. Candidates must meet eligibility requirements such as:
a) be a member in good standing of their high school community
b) intend to enroll in a college/university in the teacher education undergraduate program
c) have a high degree of academic proficiency as verified by transcript.
Visit www.psea.org/students for details and application. Hurry!! The deadline is January 31.
American Legion Scholarships - There are several scholarships available online. To view these, go to www.legion.org/scholarships.
Pennsylvania JCI Senate Scholarship Program - The Pennsylvania Junior Chamber International (JCI) is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Jaycees and the United States JCI Senate. This year, they will be awarding two (2) $500 scholarships. The Scholarship application is available on the U.S. JCI Senate website. Go to www.usjcisenate.org and click on "Scholarship Program" in the top header for the link to the applicaiton. The deadline is Jan 20, 2017.
Engineergirl Scholarship - This scholarship, despite its name, is open to both males and females interested in engineering. Any student grades 3 through 12 are invited to enter. Contest rules and applications can be found at www.engineergirl.org. The deadline for participation is February 1, 2017, 6 p.m.
The Courageous Persuaders Scholarship Competition - Want to warn middle school students about the dangers of underage drunking and texting? Do you have a talent for making videos? Here's your opportunity to use your talents to earn a scholarship. There are several participating sponsors. Rules and details are available at www.courageouspersuaders.com/scholarships. See website for details and deadlines.
VFW Auxiliary Continuing Education Scholarship - Only spouses, sons and/or daughters of a member are eligible for this scholarship. Applicant must be 18 years of age or older and intending on pursuing and degree through a college, university, or vocational/technical school. See your school counselor for an application or visit https://vfwauxiliary.org/scholarships/continuing-education/ to download an application. Your COMPLETED application is to arrive at the VFW Auxiliary Headquarter is February 1, 2017.
SunTrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes - The entry date begins October 28, 2016, through May 12, 2017 before 5 p.m. There are drawings for $500 scholarships every 2 weeks. The website is www.suntrusteducation.com/Scholarshipsweepstakes/index.html for details and application.
PAEA Scholarship Award: This is a $300 awarded to a graduation senior majoring in Education. Interested students must complete the form, submit a 350 word essay (using MLA formating). Your name shouldn't be included on your essay. PAEA Scholarship 2017.pdf
David Hutton Memorial Fund: This scholarship was created to assist student-athletes in their efforts to continue their education in the amount of $1000. The recipient will be required to carry a GPA of 3.0 or above. The money will be payable to the recipient's college/university after the first semester and once the recipent has enrolled in the second semester. You must be recommended by your Track/Cross Country Coach and Guidance Counselor. All materials must be submitted by May 1, 2017.
Updated 1/5/2017.