Training and Consulting Resources

Universal Screening

Universal Screening assessments are foundational to setting up an informed Response to Instruction and Intervention framework.  Many tools are available but not all are designed with just the right elements for your school or district.  Here are some things to consider:

  • How extensively was the tool normed?
  • Is a tiered system a part of the way data is reported?
  • Does it have a convenient data system?
  • Does it address the focus skills for your school?
  • Is it efficient, quick and easy to administer? 
  • Can you progress monitor with the tool...does it have multiple forms?
  • Is it inexpensive?
  • Does the data system create reports that are easy to understand?
  • Does the data system show rate of improvement for students being monitored?

Consulting the National Center on RtI site is a great way to access all the best analysis of universal screening tools currently available. Go straight to the Tools Chart for the latest analysis.  

DIBELS Next is one such screening tool targeting early literacy skills.  Each grade level from kindergarten through sixth grade has a set of assessments administered as benchmarks in the fall, winter and spring.  Assessments have expected levels of achievement established as cut scores for each benchmark.  Download the matrices below to catch a glimpse of which assessments are given at each benchmark and grade level and how assessments are administered and scored.

Measure MatrixKindergarten.docx

Measure MatrixFirst.docx

Measure MatrixSecond.docx

Measure MatrixThirdTOSixth.docx

