Mr. Mormando
The words that follow are typical of the vocabulary you will find on your test and other readings.
Be sure that you know, understand, and can use them properly.
Manifest Charisma Latent Abrogation Injunction Zeitgeist Absolution Insurgent Ethos Amnesty Integration Countervailing Anarchy Appropriation Moot Implement Jingoism Percipient Arbitration Laissez-faire Aristocracy Mandate Propensity Autocracy Marxism Tacit Autonomy Moratorium Indigenous Monarchy Atomistic Belligerent Nullify Hegemony Bicameral Plebiscite Bilateral Precedent Blockade Propaganda Ratify Insular Coalition Relegate Internecine Conscription Revenue Sortie Coup d’etat Sedition Desegregation Socialism Ameliorate Despot Sovereignty Divine right Specie Denigrated Embargo Tariff Egalitarian Theocracy Antithesis Feudalism
Genocide Writ Agrarian Immigrant Xenophobia Inculcate Inalienable Manumit Repudiate Latent Factionalism Partisan Bi-partisan Parochial Aggregate Lethargy