Mr. Mormando

Final Exam

Final Exam Example PPT: US History 2 Final Exam PPT Example.pptx

Final Exam Example (PDF Version): US History 2 Final Exam Example.pdf

Final Exam Template: US History 2 Final Exam PPT Template.pptx

Link to Online Text (PDF Format): Textbook Sections



Your mission is to create a theme park centered on U.S. history to inspire those who may not love history and to bring joy to the lives of those that do. You will have the opportunity to focus on the parts of history that you love, but will need to include multiple eras from throughout the year. Your final project will be somewhat of an overview of your park for anyone interested. So, be inspired. Be creative. Be historical.



You will need to create a catchy name for your park that lets people know what it’s about. The name should grab attention of passersby, while representing what your park is trying to do.



There must be 4 sections in your park. Each section needs to have its own name that tells your customers what that section is about. The sections need to have themes; the themes can be either a historical era (i.e. WWI) or conceptual (i.e. human rights). Give each section a catchy name. Also, your sections must span at least 4 different eras of history. (Unit 4: Migration & Industrialization, Unit 5: Modern America Emerges, Unit 6: the 1920’s & The Great Depression, and Unit 7: WW2 & its Aftermath)



Each of the 4 sections in your park must have at least 2 rides or attractions. These rides need to have 2 parts: a name, and a 2 paragraph description of (1) what the attraction is (i.e. roller coaster) and (2) the historical significance and information surrounding the ride. Think of it as an info sheet for a prospective customer or investor for each ride/attraction.



The park needs a total of 8 food vendors (2 for each section). Each needs to have some kind of historical theme to complement your park or a section of your park. Have a name for each vendor and a brief explanation for what you sell there.



Your park needs a total of 8 (2 for each section) roaming characters (like Disneyland). Pick historical figures and give 2 paragraphs explaining their contribution to history and why your chose them to represent your park.



Last but not least, create a map of your park so people can see how things are laid out. This can be hand drawn of computer generated, just make it legible and creative. Think of the maps you get when you go to the zoo or an amusement park (pictures are involved!).



Using PowerPoint, you must present your theme park to the class.



Use the graphic organizer to organize and complete your research for your project. After all of your research is complete, create your PowerPoint presentation.


¨ Theme Park Organizer     50%       Due: __________________________


¨ Theme Park PowerPoint

/Presentation                             50%    Due: _______________


PowerPoint Requirements

  • All sides must have at least 1 picture
  • Each student must print their PowerPoint to hand in for credit. To save paper, please print “6 handouts” and not “slides.”


**Be sure to study the sample on our class website for ideas to create your own themepark. 
