Mechel Golenberke: My First Website

Chapter 21 Economics, Policy, and the Future

Chapter 21 Economics, Policy, & the FutureChapter 21 Vocabulary

Brightstorm: Sustainable Development (3:26)

Sustainable development is the usage of natural resources for human needs in a way that preserves the environment that produces those resources so they can be used in the future. Scientists argue that sustainable development has many benefits and that it maintains biodiversity, ensures future resources for economic stability, encourages greater efficiency and often reduces the impact of natural disasters.

Chapter 21 Concept Map

Section 21.1 Economics & International Cooperation


1. Describe some of the challenges to achieving sustainability.

2. Describe several major international meetings and treaties relating to the environment.

3. Explain how economics and environmental science are related.

4. Compare two different approaches to regulation.

5. Give an example of a private effort to address environmental problems.

21.1 Vocabulary



21.1 Student Textbook

21.1 mp3 (9:07)

21.1 PowerPoint

21.1 Active Reading (pages 107 & 108) (pdf pages 118 & 119)

Self-Check Quiz Section 1: Economics and International Cooperation

21.2 Environmental Policies in the United States


1. Describe two major developments in U.S. environmental history.

2. Give examples of three federal agencies that have environmental responsibilities.

3. Explain the purpose of Environmental Impact Statements.

4. Give an example of how citizens can affect environmental policy at each level of government—local, state, and national.

5. Evaluate the media as a source of information about the environment.

Environmental Impact Statement


21.2 Student Textbook

21.2 mp3 (9:54)

21.2 PowerPoint

21.2 Active Reading (pages 109 & 110) (pdf pages 120 & 121)

Self-Check Quiz Section 2: Environmental Policies in the United States

Section 21.3 The Importance of the Individual


1. Give examples of individuals who have influenced environmental history.

2. Identify ways in which the choices that you make as an individual may affect the environment.

21.3 Vocabulary - none

21.3 Student Textbook

21.3 mp3 (6:10)

21.3 PowerPoint

21.3 Active Reading (pages 111 & 112) (pdf pages 122 & 123)

Self-Check Quiz Section 3: The Importance of the Individual

Chapter 21 Critical Thinking (296-299)individual chapter 21 critical thinking pages

Chapter 21 Map Skills (pdf page 355)individual chapter 21 map skills page

Chapter 21 Concept Review (pages 41 & 42) (pdf pages 45 & 46)individual chapter 21 concept review pages

Chapter 21 Standard Test Prep

Enrichment and Extension 

Society: Why Pollution Is Profitable

Are we really paying the true cost of the materials we use, or will we make our children pay for it? 

Connection to Social Studies: TVA: Finding Solutions

The Tennessee Valley Authority was created to deal with environmental and economic problems. Learn more about TVA.

Historical Note: A Harbor Makes a Comeback

Click here to read how the concerned people of Boston worked together to save their harbor from pollution.

Chapter 21 Labs

Research Labs

Analyze the Local Impact of Environmental Legislation

Recommending River Clean-up Strategies

Consumer Labs

Organizing a Sustainable Product Guide
