Transitioning from School to Post-School

PA Learner's Permit Practice Quizzes

ANSWER KEY Quiz 1.docx
ANSWER KEY Quiz 2.docx
ANSWER KEY Quiz 3.docx
ANSWER KEY quiz 4.docx
ANSWER KEY Quiz 5.docx
ANSWER KEY Quiz 6.docx
Below are links to PA Learner's Permit Sample Quizzes that I have created to help you test your knowledge.  You will see answer keys are listed as well.  Feel free to use these, print them, and share them with others!

Learners Permit Quiz 1.docx
Learners Permit Quiz 2.docx
Learners Permit Quiz 3.docx
Learners permit quiz 4.docx
Learners permit quiz 5.docx
Learners permit quiz 6.docx

