Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

February 16th 2011

PART I _____________________________________________________


Vi Hart, video shown to group at the beginning of the meeting, Check out the website or just watch the video of us watching it Vi Hart clip.mp4


PART II ____________________________________________________


Sheri Welsh spoke about educator in the work place, and the School to Career Program


Watch the video of her visit here Educator in the Workplace.mp4 


you can also Visit the IU5 website to check out more information about the programs offered or to sign up


PART III ____________________________________________________


Ken Borland Brought us up to speed on the happenings and upcoming events in STEM,

Watch the Ted talks video here

STEM Update.mp4

We also watched a clip from Ted talks, check this out for great videos 


PART IV ____________________________________________________

                 The Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit  was pleased to host a panel discussion on February 16, 2011 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.  The panel was comprised of representatives from local industry, labor, and education.  The panel discussed critical aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education and field audience questions from regional teachers.  Local educators have developed the following talking points and questions:



1. What STEM skills are essential for our students to demonstrate in order to enter a competitive global market?


Panel reply to  Question # 1 Podcast.mp3             Panel reply to  Question #1 Video.mp4


2. In your opinion, what is the ideal instructional model that needs to be in place in our classrooms today?  Incorporate in your response the importance of rigorous course content, technology applications, problem solving, critical thinking skills, team approach and addressing problems that have a real world application. Finally, address the “soft skills” (i.e., arriving at work on time, working as a member of a team, initiative, etc.)


Panel reply to  Question # 2 Podcast.mp3             Panel reply to  Question # 2 Video.mp4



3. How important is it that the education community engages in frequent and focused conversations with the business/industry community on preparing our students for the world of work?


Panel reply to  Question # 2 Podcast.mp3             Panel reply to  Question # 3 Video.mp4


4. As a nation, are we really “at risk” of losing our competitive economic and leadership edge in the global economy?


Panel reply to Question # 4 Podcast.mp3              Panel reply to  Question # 4 Video.mp4




5. What is our top priority (i.e., #1) in terms of producing a highly skilled workforce?  What suggestions would you offer to the education community?


Panel reply to Question # 5 Podcast.mp3              Panel reply to  Question # 5 Video.mp4



6. Parents play a critical role in guiding the direction of their children toward a productive career.  Are our parents armed with the necessary information to provide accurate advice?  What steps need to be taken in terms of making parents aware of emerging careers in STEM?


Panel reply to Question # 6 Podcast.mp3              Panel reply to  Question # 6 Video.mp4



Part V _____________________________________________________


At the end of the panel session, questions were collected and posted to let the panel respond


Question#1—I have had students ask me when will I ever use Trig in the real world?  Specifically, what Trig topics would they use?  (Mike Alexa, Math Instructor @ Cathedral Prep)

Emailed response  Panel Responses_Question 1.docx or Panel Responses_Question 1.pdf



Question #2—What is the best way for a teacher to actually see what “Your” company does?  How do our classes (i.e., curriculums) prepare students to obtain jobs at “Your” company?  (Jimmy Delsandro, Math Instructor @ General McLane High School)

Emailed response Panel Responses_Question 2.docx or Panel Responses_Question 2.pdf



Question #3—With the current pressures placed on teachers to get students to pass standardized tests, I find there is less opportunity to be innovative in the classroom.  How could industry influence the current educational environment which is so focused on standardized tests? (Karen Yonko, Biology/Anatomy @ General McLane High School)

Emailed response Panel Responses_Question 3.docx or Panel Responses_Question 3.pdf


Hosted by:


 Jesse Maine, M. Ed. & Robert Shields M. A. 


 Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit (IU5)


252 Waterford Street


Edinboro, PA 16412






Moderated by:


Kenneth Borland,  PhD.


Northwest Pennsylvania STEM Initiative (NWPA STEM) 






The panel was composed of the following members of the community


(You can also download a flyer here) Final Panel Flyer.pdf



 Panel Introduces itself Introductions of Panel.mp4




