Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
ASCD SmartBrief brings you the K–12 education news that really matters. Our editors handpick key articles from hundreds of publications, write a brief summary of each, and provide links back to the original sources. Sign up Here
A daily snapshot of mathematics education with news from ScienceDaily Mathematics News, New York Times Education, and other leading sources. Sign up Here
Encouraging Young Scientists is a monthly newsletter that aims to make science accessible to and achievable by young children in grades PreK–2, to encourage teachers, and to provide resources and ideas for making science fun and relevant in the classroom. Sign up Here
NSTA also publishes six other e-newsletters: NSTA’s Book Beat,Scientific Principals, The Leaders Letter, The STEM Classroom, NSTA Express and Science Class. Check out these other e-newsletters Here
A daily snapshot of education technology insights with news from EdTech Magazine, T.H.E. Journal and other leading sources. Sign up Here
STEMdaily® aggregates and curates news stories in STEM Education for all professionals interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in STEM. These news stories will cover topics in Education (from K-20+), Diversity and Women in STEM, Corporations and the Career Pipeline, Competitions and Conferences, Scholarships and Grants, Government, Non-Profits, Trade and Professional Associations, States, Innovation, Foundations, Testing and Assessments, STEM Policy, and much more. Sign up Here
7 Effective Parent Teacher Communication Tips
Many schools today have set clear goals for increasing "family engagement," and are rolling out systems and programs to reach parents. More than information about the school, parents want to know what their kids are doing in the classroom. Providing parents with this information can create strong and effective partners for teachers. Click here for 7 tips to create a robust parent-teacher communication plan that leverages the power of your students’ families.
6 Tech Tools that Boost Teacher-Parent Communication
Most educators agree: Effective communication with parents is important (if not crucial) to helping students learn. But if you talk to any teacher, they'll admit that it can be challenging. Teachers may hesitate because they're swamped with grading papers and lesson planning, or because many of their communications have gone unanswered. Parents may be reluctant because of a language barrier or because they're working multiple jobs. Click here to find out what you can do differently.