Mr. Carpenters 5th Grade Class Website



                                                                                  (Chester the algebra crazy Turtle)

This page contains details on resources for students to practice Algebra skills. Below you will find a list of websites, which can be used to provide practice or review Algebra. There are also two subpages, which show a list of children’s literature that relate to the topic, as well as vocabulary. These resources can be used at home to give extra practice on the subject. HAVE FUN EXPLORING!




1. Algebra Balance Scales

Type: Algebra, Addition, Subtracton. 

Description: This website is used for students to practice their algebraic math skills. The object of this website is for the visitor to show their understanding of a given equation, by making the balance beams on both sides, equal a specific side of the equation. This is quite a fun process, for the objects used on the balance beams are that of blocks and balloons. It makes creating these equal equations enjoyable. If the child so chooses, they can create their own problem, and use the objects to make a balanced beam as well.






2. Pan Balance – Shapes

Type: Weight, Algebra.

Description: This website is set up as a guessing game of weights. The display is of a pan balance with four shapes above it; a square, circle, triangle, and diamond. Each shape represented a specific weight, but the weight is a mystery. Using the pan balance, the user drags the shape onto a specific side, until they can figure out how much weight each shape weighs. With one colors and a easy to use presentation, this is a good website to help students understand the concept of balance.






3. Stop That Creature

Type: Algebra, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.

Description: This is a fun game available on the pbskids website.  The setting of this game is for the visitor to stop a cloning machine from making evil alien clones. In order to stop the machine, the student must figure out what operation is being used, out of the numbers slowly appearing on the screen. This is a great algebra that students will grab the student’s attention. As they are stopping the evil clones on each level, they will fail to realize that they are thinking on algebraic terms.




4. Slope Slider

Type: Slope and Intercept, Algebra. 

Description: This activity enables the visitor to explore how slope and intercept relate to each other. The display on this website is of a graph and a line on that graph going through various points. There are three sliders that are used in this activity to control the slop of the line; the first slide (black) changes the location of the point on the line, the second slider (purple) is used to change the slop of the line (y axis), and the green slider is used to change the intercept of y (x axis).There is another button on the site that can be pressed to check the Standard Notation of your problem. This website also provides a plethora of other activities that relate to the use of slope and intercept.





5. Graph Sketcher

Type: Plotting Points, Graphs, Algebra. 

Description: This website allows the user to plot points on a graph, by using algebraic terms. The lines on the graph are created by the used entering the y axis first, then the x axis in parentheses (y(x))The user can either choose for the grid to be empty of lines, light lines, or have dark lines. This activity is a simple way for students to practice plotting points on a graph, using algebraic expressions.

